Welcome To Trinity Episcopal Church of Canton!

We hope that here at Trinity you will find an energized and inclusive community of people seeking God’s reconciling and transforming presence in their lives. Our prayer is that you experience Christ’s love here, in a congregation that celebrates individual gifts and works to reach out to the world around us.  We welcome you to share in our journey!

Where We Come From

We come to Trinity from throughout the surrounding communities. We are  food service workers, students, engineers, plumbers, teachers, nurses, security guards, booksellers and many other things. Our parishioners roots are spread across the world.


Where We Are Going

We are going where the Holy Spirit calls us. We recognize this is not easy and may not be popular but we are committed to social justice and the respect and dignity of all people

What Guides Us

Trinity Parish is guided by Holy Scripture, Reason, and the Episcopal Tradition. Our weekly service of Holy Eucharist “re-members” us into Christ’s own body here and now. The words of scripture steer us to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. We are reminded that what we do to the “least of these” we do to God.

What Drives Us

We are driven by God’s Love for all people and the knowledge and understanding that we are the hands and feet of Christ in the world. It is a responsibility we take to heart.

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A message from the Priest-in-Charge

Welcome to Trinity, a warm and diverse community of Christians from Canton and many of the towns surrounding it.  We are an Episcopal Church (a branch of the larger Anglican Communion) centered in the love and mission of Jesus–caring for one another, our greater Canton community, and far beyond.  Our worship is grounded in shared music and prayers that not only connect us to our Episcopal siblings around the world each week, but across centuries.  And yet, there is also something distinct about the way we, at Trinity, give life to the Episcopal Tradition.  Trinity’s Episcopal worship not only provides us space for contemplation and prayer, but also engages and encourages our questions about God, Jesus, and the world around us. We are reverent in our worship, but are not rigid—we love wriggly kiddos, spirited birthday blessings, and folks who serve in love rather than perfection!  We are a community that can accompany one another through hard times as well as laugh and play together. 

As priest, I would love to join with all of us here to welcome you to Trinity some Sunday soon!  Whether you have been a lifelong Episcopalian, or have never set foot in a church; whether you have a long and personal relationship with Jesus, or are wondering if God is real at all; you are welcome at Trinity! 

Rev. Rachel Wildman